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Or deposit into our project account:  

BE86 9734 1646 1450

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Op 10 januari 2025 beginnen we met de Gambiana Midwives aan het dertiende Gambia avontuur!

We zullen daar opnieuw vrijwillig gaan werken op de verloskamer van Brikama District Hospital en Gunjur Health Center.


De omstandigheden waarin Gambiaanse vrouwen bevallen zijn allesbehalve ideaal, ze blijven te beperkt in middelen. Met dit project hopen we bij te dragen aan het terugdringen van de moeder -en kindsterfte, en het ondersteunen van de basis gezondheidszorg. Daarom deze warme oproep voor jullie steun!


Elke gift is welkom. Met €25 zijn de kosten van een bevalling gedekt. We besteden dit aan:

* medisch materiaal en medicatie  voor moeder en baby;

* hygiënische materialen, bij de lokale markt kramen.

* herstellingswerken, o.a. elektriciteit en sanitair.​


As the Fourth Pillar, or better known as a Citizens' Initiative for Development Aid, we are completely dependent on gifts & donations.

However, we believe that transparency towards benefactors is very important. View our articles of association and financial reports via ' Transparency ' .





Are you not too wide, but would you still like to support us?

An overview of 5 other possibilities to support us:


  1. Donating material for the people of The Gambia: The list of material that we collect can be found at  our page  Collections .

  2. Donate material that we can use within our Northern work. For example in the context of a benefit: cooking utensils, IT material, free use of a room or location. See the ' Fundraisers ' page for more information.

  3. Another way to support us is to make your online purchases through Trooper.  How? If you first click the link  passes, and then click through to the webshop you need, you support us with your order without paying extra for your purchase! After a few days to a week you will receive a confirmation email from Trooper stating the amount with which you supported us.

  4. Support through the purchase of nice products on our webshop

  5. Mentally support and follow our social media.

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