Team Gambiana
Team Gambiana consists of Belgian volunteers and Gambian volunteers.
Gambiana is registered as a non-profit organization in Belgium. Non-profit organization Gambiana is also registered as an active charity in Gambia. We all work unpaid for our global goal.
The North team in Belgium is mainly responsible for developing policy, raising awareness and fundraising.
The South team in Gambia provides reliable guidance in the target country. This team, consisting of local volunteers, works together with the North team on the South projects in Gambia.
The "Gambiana midwives" is a midwifery group from Gambiana who volunteer in 2 different delivery rooms in Gambia. They also do specific mother and child South projects on site.
Meet The Team
Voorzitter: Sabrina Asselman
Ondervoorzitter: Anke Jacobus
Bestuurslid: Sonja Piselé
Bestuurslid: Michael Berardocco
​Klik op één van de onderstaande profiel foto's om onze teamleden wat beter te leren kennen.

Gambiaanse teamleider Zuidteam

Secretaris Zuidteam

Adviseur Zuidteam

Adviseur Zuidteam

Adviseur Zuidteam

Adviseur Zuidteam
Voeg je bij ons!
Kom jij ons team versterken binnen ontwikkelingshulp? Of wil jij buitenlandse ervaring opdoen als verloskundige en/of kinderverpleegkundige?
Stel je kandidaat en mail je cv naar stichting-gambiana@outlook.com